Okay, so I thought about it and I reckon it's a little unfair to expect something so close to Mr Perfect when I'm hardly Perfect myself.
Now I feel I have a choice between;
- Settling for someone mediocre (the thought makes me puts 2 fingers down my throat)... that or...
- Try improve myself...
A friend says that's a bad idea... "You shouldn't change yourself for a guy Gee, He's suppose to love you just the way you are." (mind you, most of these things in my list are things this same friend has been 'lecturing' me about from time to time)
Well... its not that I'm changing... Its just that I've been in relationships before that didn't work.... and Yes its so easy to sit back and say to yourself "I'm okay, but there's definitely something wrong with him" But the truth of the matter is most times both people could have been better people, or dealt with issues differently, or something, and maybe the relationship could have worked out differently.
So I have decided that I'm not going into another relationship with bad habits, and personality traits that I know will only cause problems in my relationship.
I know theses little changes wont make me perfect, I don't even want to be so perfect, But it'll make living with me a little more bearable. And i know My Mr Right wont be too perfect either... I just hope we'll be perfectly imperfect for each other.... (sounds a little cheesy doesn't it?!)
So here's the list;-
- GET IN SHAPE- I don't think this has played a role in any of my break ups... They all met and approached me with this body... But getting in shape wouldn't do anyone any harm. It'll be good for me to watch my health, I guess my beau would love a beautiful, healthy body to get cosy with and the rest of my friends and family would be relieved too, they don't have to nag me either.
- STOP SMOKING- yeah it's about time i started taking better care of myself.
- WATCH HOW I DRESS, ACT LIKE A LADY. ETC- okay actually I am a lady in public but i could definitely watch how I dress... Its not that i dress bad, No! Just my siblings always say i look too plain (I'm a jeans and tank top girl- very simple) They say I have to look "WOW" everyday.
- LEARN TO MAKE SMALL TALK- I'm a shy girl a little bit... I only ever talk to people i know and like, and I never talk in a group... People have called me unfriendly because they see me talking to my friends but keep quiet when they join the group... So I should learn to talk to different people.
- WATCH NEWS, READ NEWS PAPERS, BE UP TO DATE WITH CURRENT AFFAIRS- cause every time a topic along these lines comes up, i tend to be even more quiet.Doing these things should make for more things to talk about.
- GIVE COMPLIMENTS- I don't know what my problem is, I can give girl friends compliments, but have a hard time when it comes to guys... cant even compliment guys who are just friends, or boyfriends compliments without feeling awkward. I do spot things I could compliment them on but... I dunno.
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